
Global warming Causes

    Global warming Causes

    There are many reasons for global warming and the most important reasons are :
    · The accumulation of humanity and the increase in population and the resultant increase in industrial and economic activity and the solution in reducing temperatures before the loss of humanity before it is too late.
    · There are no green spaces.
    · Water contamination.
    · Waste incineration.
    · The cosmic War between man and the environment that transforms the blessings to do.
    · The increasing temperature of the earth, which results in waves disturbances of the seas, oceans and rivers.
    · The sea surface rises from 10 to 20 cm to the onset of heat waves and dehydration.
    · Melting ice and collapsing glaciers and rocks causing flooding and disasters in this period when the temperature increases by one degree cause climatic fluctuations and troubles so what if it increases by 4 degrees full of course there will be a disaster and loss as there is no awareness of our environment.
    · Not moving to keep the temperature a major disaster, diseases and epidemics will increase in the coming period due to the high temperature, humidity and contamination of the organisms as a result of not adapting to climatic changes.
    · Drought and food problems and agricultural problems will increase as a result of changes in temperature and climatic changes.
    · Rising sea salinity is caused by increased droughts and climate disruption.
    · The risk of global warming cannot be ignored, and it is something that needs us to prepare and not to be optimistic about natural disasters or rely solely on God's mercy.
    · It takes us to work, to entrust, not to eat and to be lazy.
    · It is a climatic hazard that knows only the extent of God, and everyone must join the good solution and reduce the risk of global warming.