
7 Benefits You'll Reap If Your Interested To Analyzing People

     7 Benefits You'll Reap If Your Interested To Analyzing People

     7 Benefits You'll Reap If Your Interested To Analyzing People
     7 Benefits You'll Reap If Your Interested To Analyzing People

    If you’re reading this article, it’s because the title caught your attention and reading other people is something you are interested to be able to do. But have you asked yourself why? Do you know what benefits this skill can bring?
     Most of us think we’re pretty good at telling what other people are thinking. Indeed, some of us do have that skill naturally – and, for others, it’s culturally ingrained.  Cultures that frown on
    speaking one’s mind tend to be better at reading signals than those where airing feelings is perfectly acceptable, for example. But having a talent and knowing how to use it are two different things. You might have perfect pitch, but it still takes practice to sing like an angel; you may have an instinctive understanding of mechanics, but you still can’t fix a car until you’ve memorized each of its parts. 

    Analyzing other people is something that takes work and attention, but you’ll be surprised at just how many benefits you’ll reap. Such as: 

      -  Clarity – No more confusion when dealing with people who think very differently to you – and no more confusion when they don’t react as you would and you attempts to befriend, convince or explain fall flat on their face.

      - Effectiveness – When you are able to read another person’s signals, you are also able to adjust your words and behavior accordingly. This, in turn, allows you to convey your message more clearly and effectively, which will more often lead to the outcome you were hoping for.

      -  Relationships – Some of us are more naturally awkward than others and find it tough to make new friends and impress acquaintances. When you can read other people, you can tell how they feel about you, understand what makes them happy and what they enjoy and communicate with them more deeply.

       -  Safety – Not every interaction is positive. Sometimes, you will find yourself dealing with hostile human beings who either mean you harm or are angered and likely to lash out. Knowing how to look for these signs and size up a potentially dangerous person in a single instant can mean the difference between safety and danger.

       -  Success – You won’t just know how to read your peers, you will also be able to glean what your superiors are thinking. You’ll know what impresses your boss and what annoys him or her, you’ll know how to build relationships within your workplace and you’ll feel more confident when presenting your ideas.

       -  Confidence – If you are an introvert or shy, you probably dread the idea of large social gatherings and avoid networking opportunities like the plague. When you can read people, these occasions become much less daunting – indeed, you might actually find yourself enjoying those random conversations with strangers!

       -  Altruism – Reading other people is not all about what you can do for yourself. It’s also about what you can do for other people. You will learn how to set people at their ease, tell when they are in need of something that they can’t or won’t tell you about and, perhaps most importantly, how to understand them and their needs, hopes and desires. There is no greater gift you can offer to another human being than understanding and acceptance of who they are and willingness to provide what they are looking for.