
Best 5 Foods That Will Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

    5 Foods That Whiten Teeth 

    Best 5 Foods That Will Whiten Your Teeth Naturally 

    Best 5 Foods That Will Whiten Your Teeth Naturally
    5 Foods That Whiten Teeth 
    Best 5 Foods That Will Whiten Your Teeth Naturally 

    It’s true that we all want to have a bright smile like a movie star; yet, we also fear the dentist sometimes. In this case, you’ve got the alternative. You can easily maintain the enamel of your teeth with some natural foods at home.

     Why pay for scaling or bleaching and pain at the dentist, when we know painless solutions? Do you have a phobia of roulette? Don’t worry anymore. You are given natural tips for having white teeth. Enjoy the bright smile!

     - Strawberry. This fruit does not only relieve pregnant women (according to legend) but it also helps to own yellow teeth. Strawberry contains malic acid, an enzyme found in the composition of whitening toothpaste.

     Our tip? Mash one or two strawberries on your teeth. Let apply two to three minutes. Then, rinse and wait half an hour before brushing your teeth, so as to eliminate the remaining sugar on the enamel.

     - Cheese. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cheese is a great ally for your oral health. Like any dairy product, it is full of calcium and phosphorus, active ingredients in the mineralization of teeth; i.e. the process that gives them their white color. In addition, consuming a piece of camembert would help fight cavities.

     - Chewing plants. Chewing plants may appear as an ancestral practice. However, the leaves of laurel, mint, sage, or lemon balm, clean the dentition perfectly.

     - The apple. Whether it is green, yellow, or red, it has the same dental virtues. Crunchy contains fibers that automatically gloss enamel. 

     - Lemon. The acids of this fruit prevent the formation of stains on the teeth, as well as tartar. They also play a role in the cleansing of the gums. 

    Our advice to you? Wash your teeth with lemon juice squeezed twice a week. You can also add a little baking soda (75 g for 1/2 lemon squeezed).

    Best 5 Foods That Will Whiten Your Teeth Naturally